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Tel Aviv


A specialist team for traveling in Israel & Middle East

An experienced and specialized team in tourism in Israel and the Middle East.

ISRAEL is for us the historical capital of humanity.

ISRAEL is the cradle of faith that excites people for thousands of years.

ISRAEL is the hope of one day becoming the world capital of peace.

ISRAEL is the land of our ancestors and the national home of our future generations.

ISRAEL is an incomparable tourist destination that we want to show you all.

ISRAEL is the past, the present, and the future.


EXODUS is the departure from slavery towards the Promised Land.

EXODUS is taking action. Breaking the routine and seeking what is new. Opening horizons.

EXODUS is the Bible, being the second book of the Torah (Pentateuch) and part of the immense tradition that shapes every Jew and Christian in the world.

EXODUS is movement, like a beautiful journey.

Israel and its infinite history. The eternal interplay between Peace and War.

Its immense religious and spiritual heritage. Our specialists will know how to connect you

with the best places and attractions that Israel has to offer.

Customized itineraries for your preferences and desired dates.

Fill out the form, and we will contact you shortly.

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